Vacker Africa is one of the top companies in Africa that supplies wide extensive range of Cathodic Protection Systems to prevent corrosion issues on wide range of metals. We provide our cathodic protection systems for all types of domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. Our service network is spread in different countries of Africa such as Chad, Nigeria, Niger, Angola, Kenya, Djibouti, Libya, Rwanda, Morocco, Tanzania, South Africa, Ghana and many more.
What is a Cathodic Protection?
Cathodic protection is a widely used technique to reduce the corrosion from any metal surface. The metal surface is developed as a cathode of an electrochemical cell in this technique. A sacrificial metal is required to act as an anode in this process. The metal that is being prevented from corrosion is connected with the sacrificial metal. Generally, the sacrificial metals that are being used as an anode are highly corrosive. The cathode metal which is also the protected metal is protected and the sacrificial metal corrodes instead of the protected metal.
The cathodic protection system is used for protection of many kinds of metal in different industrial plants as well as for domestic equipment. Home water heaters, oil and gas pipelines, huge water pipelines, oil well casing, metal strengthening bars and ship hulls are some examples where cathodic protection system is often used.
Major applications of Cathodic Protection System
Below listed are the applications of Cathodic Protection Systems supplied by Vacker Africa:
Different types of pipelines in different systems are protected by the use of cathodic protection method. Generally, ICPP is one of the more often used systems for the protection of pipelines. It consists of a DC power source, AC powered transformer and an anode. Using galvanic anodes can be better for short length of pipelines. Different water pipelines have been protected with the system as the cost is quite reasonable.
Ships and boats
Different metal parts of ships and boats are also protected with the cathodic protection systems. Generally, galvanic anodes are used for the process as it is more economically viable. With these simple systems we are able to protect large number of ship vessels worth billions of dollars.
Offshore, jetties, harbors are some of the area that is covered by marine cathodic protection. Both ICPP and galvanic anodes are used in marine for Cathodic Protection. Sometimes various types of modification may require in marine structures for the cathodic protection to be effective.
Internal cathodic protection
Different types of tanks, pipelines and vessels that carry various types of liquid require internal corrosion protection which is also provided by the cathodic protection systems. Both types of anode galvanic and ICCP can be used for the protection.