Vacker Africa offers various solutions for data logging in different countries of Africa. Some of the major countries it supplies its data logging solutions are Chad, Nigeria, Angola, Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Ghana, South Africa, Tanzania, Angola, Tanzania, etc. One major product of our company is the shock and vibration data logger. These data loggers supplied by our company are very precise and accurate which ensures the user gets the most accurate data.

Shock and Vibration Data Logger
Shock and Vibration data logger supplied by our company are designed in such a way that they can continuously record shocks and vibration over a long period of time. The data recorded by the data logger are easy for the user to retrieve for further use.
Components of Vibration Data Logger
There are three main parts of the Shock and Vibration Data Loggers supplied by Vacker Africa as listed below:
The accelerometers in the data loggers are capable of recording the shocks or vibration for a definite period of time.
The processor than helps in processing the recorded data which is then stored in a storage media.
Storage media
The data stored in the storage media is then can easily be retrieved by the user with the help of PC, laptop or any other medium. The retrieved data can easily be gained in different forms such as graphs, tables, etc. with the help of a special type of software. In some cases, the data is recorded continuously for a long period of time and in some cases, it is recorded for special event only such as during the driving of the vehicle.

Our shock and vibration data loggers come with wireless settings too which enable the user to monitor the data through his or her smartphones. The data in our vibration data loggers are stored in non-volatile storage media hence the record data are safe even during power failure.

By using our vibration data loggers the users can easily monitor if the vibration or shock has exceeded more than the appropriate range. The data logger also helps to confirm the locations of the exceeded vibration range with the time period. This helps the user to know if the whole shipment is required to be changed or some changes are required to be changed or no change required.
These data loggers help to determine the safest route for the transportation of goods and help the users from suffering through great loss. These data loggers are also helpful in protecting machinery which are sensitive to shock or vibration in industrial plants.